Dear {{ contact.firstName }}, Thank you for contacting us regarding {{ propertyDetails.formatAddress }}. I am happy to confirm that we have arranged a viewing of this property for {{ bdDate (action.actionDate,"l, jS F Y") 1 }} at {{ bdDate (action.actionDate,"H:i") 1 }} with {{ mbDBool (vContactData.isAgent) ? our Viewing Agent [[ vContactData.firstName ]] [[ vContactData.lastName ]], [[ ]] }}{{ mbDBool (vContactData.isVendor) ? the Seller [[ vContactData.firstName ]] [[ vContactData.lastName ]] }}{{ mbDBool (vContactData.isOther) ? [[ vContactData.firstName ]] [[ vContactData.lastName ]], [[ ]] }}. If for any reason you are unable to make this appointment please contact us at your earliest convenience to rearrange. I do hope this property is of further interest to you and if you would like to discuss it in greater detail, or if you require any additional information, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help. Kind regards, {{ negDetails.firstName }} {{ negDetails.lastname }}